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Create a plugin

Plugins have two types:

  • Interface: class
  • Environment: class

Interface is the low-level layer between the machine/simulation and the environment that deals with the fundamental communications. It can be treated as an abstract of the underlying control system. Interface is optional BUT recommended! The pros of having an interface:

  • It can be reused across different environments, so that you don't have to rewrite the same communication logic again and again1
  • Unlike the environment, all the raw data that go through the interface can be recorded and archived, those raw data could include the intermediate measurements/observations that used to calculate the objectives/constraints/states2

Environment, on the other hand, abstracts the specific machine to be optimized. It contains the necessary information regarding the tuning knobs and the measurements, as well as the way to get and/or set them. Environment is the core of defining the optimization problem in Badger and it is mandatory.

This guide will go through the basic components that compose a custom interface/environment by creating a simplest but full-featured interface/environment plugin. Let's get started.

Create an interface plugin

The file structure of a Badger interface plugin looks like this:

Badger interface plugin file structure

Let's create a simple interface that has 9 channels (8 input channels and 1 output channel), where the output channel is the L2 norm of all the input channel values. We'll name it myintf.

Assume that the Badger plugin root has been pointed to some directory PLUGIN_ROOT on your computer, then we can create a new folder myintf inside PLUGIN_ROOT/interfaces/, and we put the following files with the given content into the newly created folder:

First the main script file:

from badger import interface

class Interface(interface.Interface):

name = 'myintf'

def get_values(self, channel_names: list):

def set_values(self, channel_inputs: dict):

Then the configs file:

name: myintf
version: "0.1"
- badger-opt

Create an environment plugin

To let Badger deal with your own optimization problem, you'll need to turn the problem into a custom environment plugin first. An environment in Badger defines how Badger could interact with the "control system" upon which the optimization problem forms up. To be more specific, Badger wants to know:

  • What variables can be tuned
  • What are the ranges for the tunable variables
  • What observations are available (objectives, constraints, anything you would like to monitor in the optimization)

Plus (actually more importantly):

  • How to tune one variable
  • How to get one observation

And you incorporate those knowledge into Badger by inheriting the Environment base class provided by the Badger core, and implementing the corresponding methods.

Let's get a better idea about it by creating a simple custom environment plugin for Badger from the ground up.

The basics

First off, let's create a file structure like the following:

Simplest environment plugin file structure

Here we'll name our simple custom env as myenv, as the folder name shows.

Then put the boilerplate code below into

from badger import environment
from badger.interface import Interface

class Environment(environment.Environment):

name = 'myenv'
variables = {}
observables = []

def get_variables(self, variable_names: list[str]) -> dict:
return {}

def set_variables(self, variable_inputs: dict[str, float]):

def get_observables(self, observable_names: list[str]) -> dict:
return {}

Several things to note regarding the boilerplate code:

  • It should have a class variable called name, and it should match the folder name of the plugin

  • In order to create a proper Badger env, there are 2 CLASS variables:

    • variables: A dictionary of all the supported variables, key is the variable name, value is the range of the variable
    • observables: A list of all the supported observables

    and 3 methods:

    • get_variables: Get a dictionary contains values of a given list of variables
    • set_variables: Set the variables in the env with a given dictionary of variables and the target values
    • get_observables: Get a dictionary contains values of a given list of observables

    that are required to be implemented.


Try to avoid doing time-consuming thing in __init__ method. Badger would create an instance of the environment when users try to get the details of the plugin (say, when badger env myenv is called in CLI mode), so just put some light-computing code there in the constructor would provide the users a smoother experience.

Okay, now we can start to implement the methods. Assume that our sample environment has 3 variables: x, y, and z, with range of [0, 1]. It also has 2 observations: norm, and mean. Then the variables and observables class variables should look like:

    variables = {
'x': [0, 1],
'y': [0, 1],
'z': [0, 1],
observables = ['norm', 'mean']

Our custom env is so simple that we don't really need an interface here. Let's implement the getter and setter for the variables:

    # Internal variables start with a single underscore
_variables = {
'x': 0,
'y': 0,
'z': 0,

def get_variables(self, variable_names: list[str]) -> dict:
variable_outputs = {v: self._variables[v] for v in variable_names}

return variable_outputs

def set_variables(self, variable_inputs: dict[str, float]):
for var, x in variable_inputs.items():
self._variables[var] = x

Here we use a dictionary called _variables to hold the values for the variables.

Now let's add observable related logic:

    def get_observables(self, observable_names: list[str]) -> dict:
x = self._variables['x']
y = self._variables['y']
z = self._variables['z']

observable_outputs = {}
for obs in observable_names:
if obs == 'norm':
observable_outputs[obs] = (x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2) ** 0.5
elif obs == 'mean':
observable_outputs[obs] = (x + y + z) / 3

return observable_outputs

At this point, the content of should be:

import numpy as np
from badger import environment

class Environment(environment.Environment):

name = 'myenv'

variables = {
'x': [0, 1],
'y': [0, 1],
'z': [0, 1],
observables = ['norm', 'mean']

# Internal variables start with a single underscore
_variables = {
'x': 0,
'y': 0,
'z': 0,

def get_variables(self, variable_names: list[str]) -> dict:
variable_outputs = {v: self._variables[v] for v in variable_names}

return variable_outputs

def set_variables(self, variable_inputs: dict[str, float]):
for var, x in variable_inputs.items():
self._variables[var] = x

def get_observables(self, observable_names: list[str]) -> dict:
x = self._variables['x']
y = self._variables['y']
z = self._variables['z']

observable_outputs = {}
for obs in observable_names:
if obs == 'norm':
observable_outputs[obs] = (x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2) ** 0.5
elif obs == 'mean':
observable_outputs[obs] = (x + y + z) / 3

return observable_outputs

Alright! Our little env is almost done -- even though it doesn’t do much, it already has everything that we need for a Badger environment! To make the plugin complete, we should also incorporate some meta data (such as version number) of our env into configs.yaml:

name: myenv
version: "0.1"
- badger-opt

Congrats! Our custom env plugin is ready to go! Let's put the whole folder under BADGER_PLUGIN_ROOT/environments, then executing the following command in a terminal (in which the Badger package is available, of course):

badger env myenv

The printouts should look like below. Yay!

name: myenv
version: '0.1'
- badger-opt
params: {}
- x: 0 -> 1
- y: 0 -> 1
- z: 0 -> 1
- norm
- mean

Please be sure to use Badger v1.0+

Now you can take myenv for a spin -- just write some routine configs and run some algorithm (say, silly the random sampler) on our newly created env, to see if everything works as expected.

Advanced topics

Specify variable range

Incorperate hyper-parameters

Check variable readout

Delayed observation


  1. One example is that both LCLS and NSLS use Epics as the control system, so an Epics interface can be shared between the LCLS and NSLS Badger environments

  2. Environment can only record the VOCS, not the intermediate measurements. Say, to calculate the FEL pulse energy, one needs to average over a buffer of values. It is the averaged value being recorded in the archived run data, not the raw buffers